August 28, 2011


We are ok. The order to evacuate came in about 2pm yesterday. We chose to stay. My parents left and went to my sister's house (their house...very confusing...see earlier posts). So far the roof is leaking in the garage..but not too bad.. the basement is filling with water in one area. It seems to just be coming up from the ground. Thank god we hadn't carpeted down there yet. Our power is still's amazing. My parent's power went out about 11 last night, but we are holding on. I haven't heard from anyone over there since about midnight. I hope they are getting some sleep.

My brave 11lb papillon went outside and did his business...I am so proud of him! The only other major issue (for me the arachnophobe) is the sheer number of crickets seeking solace in my home. My puppy is a champion in this area as well and leaving lights on is helping.

Tested at 4am after about two hours of sleep. It was negative, but don't know how accurate it is for FMU.

1 comment:

Mrs. Gamgee said...

Crickets? Ick!

Hoping that you and your family stay safe and (relatively) dry.

It's still early yet... I would test again in a couple of days.